
By far the best way to experience the Mols Bjerge National Park landscape and nature is to put on sensible shoes and go out into the landscape.

MAGIC is with you all the time, when hiking through the Mols Bjerge National Park in Syddjurs Municipality, Central Jutland. The Mols Bjerge Trail is 80 kilometers of hiking through the National Park with its great variation in landscape and nature. The trail can be divided in to four daily trips of approximately 20 km.

Read more about our international certified Mols Bjerge-Trail ->

Nature shaped by ice

During the latest Ice Age, 18,000 years ago, the ice stopped its progressing in what is today the National Park on the peninsula east of Arhus.

Here it stood like a cold white wall several hundred feet above the land. The ice melted away in an inferno of stones, ice and water.

Out of these profound changes, the magical landscape was born with large curved ridges above crystal clear bays, fascinating kettle holes and glacial valleys.

Tinghulen is one of the famous kettle holes in Mols Bjerge. In Danish kettle holes are called 'dødishuller', which can be directly translated to 'dead ice holes'.

Many years later, man came to the area and created with his livestock a cultural landscape with immensely high natural value.

Here, hikers can enjoy a hilly landscape lined with white beaches, spectacular historical monuments, varying scenery and charming villages.

Red kite floats elegantly high on the sky. Wild horses graze in „the Danish mountains“ with the great biodiversity of the sunny grasslands.

Impressive Bronze Age burial mounds are towering in the countryside, and from the top you look down on several blue bays.

You pass the national medieval icon, Kalø Castle ruin, a beautiful manor landscape, miles of coastline and the cozy seaport of Ebeltoft with its topped cobblestones, half-timbered houses and hollyhocks in the gardens.

When walking inside enclosures with grazing animals

There are many great hiking trails in the national park, and many traverse enclosures where a variety of grazing animals work to restore natural habitats.

As a rule, grazing animals are not dangerous and just want to be left in peace.

However, if you get too close to the flock or between a cow and her calf, the animals will react instinctively and either run away or defend themselves.

Especially dogs may provoke defence reactions. Most animals
interpret dogs as wolves and hence consider them dangerous. Perhaps the animals have experienced being chased by loose dogs or roaming wolves. The safest thing to do, therefore, is not to bring your dog into the enclosures.

Tips to protect yourself and your dog in animal enclosures

  • Pay attention – even when walking along chattering.
  • Keep a safe distance to the animals. The animals are not, as a rule, aggressive, but might be frightened of you and especially your dog.
  • Avoid getting between adult animals and calves or foals. Never walk through a flock of animals. When the animals have offspring, they will do anything to protect them.
  • Keep your dog on a short leash and make sure it doesn’t bark.
    Bypass the animals in a big curve and keep you dog quiet. If the animals start approaching you, leave the enclosure immediately. If they get very close to you, let your dog off the lead to enable it to escape. This will divert the animals away from you.
  • Move quietly and calmly inside enclosures and avoid gesturing and loud noise – particularly when you pass the animals.
    This will give you a better experience and not frighten the animals into moving suddenly – endangering yourself and other visitors.