Maps, digital guides and apps
Maps to your trip
National Park Mols Bjerges App
The map is also available as an app "Nationalpark Mols Bjerge". The app works on satellite, so when it is first downloaded to your phone, you can use it without internet. In the app you can see your location on the interactive map.
Map Mols Bjerge National Park
Download the mapInteractive Map over National Park Mols Bjerge
On the map you can search for specific walks and destinations – there are multiple options and details.
Click here to see the map
Code of conduct
10 useful suggestions about how to best explore the countryside
Download the guideBooklet How best to explore the countryside - A visitor's guide
This booklet is intended to guide all those who care about nature to make the correct choices when visiting the countryside. Looking after nature is a responsibility we all share
Download the booklet