Overnight stay in the National Park

Looking for accomodations or planning on sleeping under the stars?

Accomodation and camping facilities

See all shelters, tentplaces and accomodations in our interactive map.

Our map is available in your browser if you are using a computer. If you are on your phone, you will be asked to download our app "Nationalpark Mols Bjerge". The app is great, when you have to plan your trip and when you are visiting the National Park. The app works on satellite, so when it is first downloaded to your phone, you can use it without internet. In the app you can see your location on the interactive map.

Read more about our maps, digital guides and apps ->

When you have the map/app, select “Overnight stay” in the menu (see picture below). 

Screenshot from the interactive map

If you are looking for camping facilities along a trail for example the Mols Bjerge Trail. Then select the "Mols Bjerge Trail" as well.


Book shelters in advance

Some of the shelters can be booked in advance – that might be helpful for you, if you want to plan ahead. 

When you click on a shelter-icon, you will find information about booking-oppotunities, GPS-coordinates and a description of the shelter.

The following shelters are manged by the National Park: 

  • Strandkær Shelter
  • Ørnbjerg Mølle Shelter
  • Shelter by Kalø Gods
  • Shelter by Stubbe Sø
  • Tremosegård
  • Femmøller 

Firewood available at the shelters

At these shelters, firewood is available for purchase. However, we cannot guarantee that firewood will always be in stock. To be certain, we recommend bringing your own. Availability depends on how much firewood other visitors use and how frequently we can restock.

The price for firewood is 35 DKK. Payment can be made via the MobilePay app (only available of you have a Danish bankaccount) or in cash. Please note that we cannot provide change at the shelters, so be sure to bring the exact amount.

If you use the last of the firewood, kindly send a text message to +45 72 17 07 14.

Please remember

  • Some shelters are free to use, others are private and can be rented.
  • Vehicle access is only permitted if it is signposted or if you have received a special permit.
  • Bring your rubbish home.
  • You are allowed to collect dry branches and twigs on the forest floor to use for your fire on the fire site, but not cutting down firewood.
  • You are allowed to collect woodland plants, berries and fruit for your own consumption.
  • When you use the woodland as a toilet, please be at an acceptable distance from the campsite and leave no traces.

Useful Danish words

Informations about the primitive campsites are unfortunately only available in Danish, but here are a few useful Danish words:

Bålplads – site for campfire
Drikkevand – drinking water
Tilladt - allowed/permitted
Telt – tent


Read more about sleeping outside in the nature at the webpage of The Danish Nature Agency -> 

Please be considerate

Simple advice when spending time in nature:

  • Greet people you meet, and show consideration
  • Leave nothing but your footprints behind, and only bring home your memories
  • Keep your dog on a leash to keep it from disturbing birds and other wildlife
  • Do your best not to disturb birds and other animals, and leave plants untouched for others to enjoy
  • As far as possible, avoid disturbing nature between sunset and sunrise