One of the best ways of getting around and be close to nature is travelling on two whe-els. You’ll get fresh air, use climate-friendly transport, and enjoy the peace and quiet, sounds and smells.
Leave the car
If you want to experience the Mols Bjerge Nationalpark by bike, there are excellent bike paths all over the park, also in the nature area.
Hills and views
The many hills will surely make you sweat, but they will also present you to wonderful views. Most paths and roads in the nature areas are gravel or sand roads, so you should make sure to have solid tires on your bike.
Network of paths
The entire National Park has a well-developed network of bike paths and bike-friendly small roads. Therefore
Show regard to nature and other visitors
The hills of Mols Bjerge inspire mountainbikers. However, please note that this area is sensitive, and therefore mountain biking is only allowed where you can ride a conventional bike.
When riding an MTB
On a mountain bike, the countryside becomes a playground with obstacles, adrenalin-releasing challenges, and a high pulse. There is plenty of opportunities if you like challenging trails and wonderful experi-ences of nature.
Here’s a list of tips to help you take care of nature while also experiencing nature:
- Observe the highway code – this also applies to the coun-tryside.
- Remember to respect other users and keep to paths sui-ted to an ordinary old-fashioned bike. Avoid bridle paths, animal tracks, footpaths, and the forest floor.
- Respect signage and guidelines – also if it means taking another route.
- Respect animals and bird breeding seasons and foraging times. Avoid cycling in woodlands at twilight, when many animals come out to forage.
- Leave nature in peace at night.
- Keep to forest roads and paths in private woodlands.
- Don’t cycle on ancient monuments, burial mounds, dikes, and sand dunes.
- Respect other users of the countryside – reduce speed and use your bell in plenty of time.
- Remember that you are a visitor to the countryside – do not disturb animals and birds.
Mountainbike course in Ebeltoft
In Søndre Plantage near Ebeltoft is a course for mountainbikers. Different routes give different levels of complexity.
Length: about 13 kilometres.
The track is made by Syddjurs Municipality, local MTB clubs and Kronborg Tracks.